VAL BRIARD EN ANGLAIS 2022 - Le guide numérique

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VAL BRIARD EN ANGLAIS 2022 - Le guide numérique

Pagination : 144 pages


Do you know the Val Briard? Probably if you are from the Ile-de-France. If you don't, that's unlucky! The purpose of this book is to help you discover it. A fertile and largely wooded territory, the Val Briard is home to landscapes, where crops, forests and meadows alternate with streams and ponds. In addition, there are charming villages with medieval houses, listed churches and, in the countryside, romantic romantic farms and castles with their stone and brickwork, half-timber and gazebos. With its 21 communes and 27,243 inhabitants, the Val Briard is an attractive area offering a high quality of rural life. It is also a green and sparsely urbanised area suitable for gentle tourism, where you can enjoy hiking, pleasant cycling routes and forest paths that are popular among horse riders.
Informations supplémentaires

Informations supplémentaires

Sous titre Non
Exclusivité Non
Code barre / ISBN 9782305070926
Dimension du guide Non
Début de mise à la Une Non
Fin de mise à la Une Non
Extrait gratuit Télécharger
Langue Anglais
Nombre de pages 144
Offre Numérique Non
Avec un plan Non
Continent Europe
Pays France
Région Ile-De-France
Département Seine-Et-Marne
Ville non applicable

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